Amended October 2020


Section 1. Name
The Idaho Physical Therapy Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Chapter, shall be a Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association, hereinafter referred to the Association.

Section 2. Territorial Jurisdiction
The territorial jurisdiction of the Chapter is the State of Idaho.


The Object of the Chapter shall be the object of the Association as stated in the Association Bylaws.


The Functions of the Chapter shall be the same as the functions of the Association as established in its bylaws.


Section 1. Categories and Qualifications
The Chapter membership categories and qualifications for Physical Therapist, Retired Physical Therapist, Life Physical Therapist, Student Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Retired Physical Therapist Assistant, Life Physical Therapist Assistant, and Student Physical Therapist Assistant shall be the same as those of the Association.

In addition, the Chapter shall maintain a single Corresponding Member category with rights and privileges as stated in the Association bylaws.

Section 2. Rights and Privileges of Members
The rights and privileges of the Chapter’s members shall be identical to those established in the association’s bylaws. Physical Therapist Assistant, Retired Physical Therapist Assistant, and Life
Physical Therapist Assistant shall have one vote at the Chapter level.

Section 3. Admission to Membership
Admission to Chapter membership is by assignment by the Association’s Board of Directors.

Section 4. Good Standing
An individual member is in good standing within the meaning of these Bylaws if the member is in good standing in the Association.

Section 5. Disciplinary Action
A. Any member of the Chapter who is suspended by the Association shall have their membership privileges suspended in the Chapter.
B. Any member of the Chapter who is expelled from membership in the Association shall be expelled from Chapter membership.
C. Complaints to the effect that a member has violated the ethical principles or standards of the Association shall be processed in accordance with the Association’s Procedural Document on Disciplinary Action

Section 6. Reinstatement
Individuals are reinstated to Chapter membership in accordance with the Association’s Standing Rules. The Chapter many not charge a reinstatement fee.


The Chapter may create districts and special interest groups within its territorial jurisdiction.

Section 1. Districts
A. Definition – A district shall consist of a specific territorial jurisdiction identified by county boundaries. The following listing is for information only, and the Board has the full authority to add, alter the boundaries of, or dissolve Districts.
1. The Eastern Idaho District territorial jurisdiction includes the following Counties in the State of Idaho: Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Bonneville, Butte, Caribou, Clark, Franklin, Fremont, Jefferson, Lemhi, Madison, Oneida, Power, and Teton.
2. The Northern Idaho District territorial jurisdiction includes the following Counties in the State of Idaho: Benewah, Shoshone, Kootenai, Bonner, and Boundary.
3. The North Central District territorial jurisdiction includes the following Counties in the State of Idaho: Idaho, Lewis, Nez Perce, Clearwater, and Latah.
4. Southwest Idaho District territorial jurisdiction includes: Adams, Valley, Washington, Payette, Gem, Boise, Canyon, Ada, Elmore and Owyhee.
5. South Central Idaho District territorial jurisdiction includes: Custer, Camas, Blaine, Gooding, Lincoln, Jerome, Twin Falls, Minidoka and Cassia
B. Formation/dissolution: Districts may be established and dissolved in accordance with the rules and conditions set down by the Chapters Board of Directors.

Section 2. Special Interest Groups
A. Purpose:
When members of the Chapter have a common interest in a specific area of interest they may meet, confer, and promote their interest in the specific area of interest and the interest of their respective special interest group.
B. Formation and Dissolution:
Special interest groups of the Chapter may be established and dissolved in accordance with rules and conditions set down by the Chapters Board of Directors.

Section 3. Districts and Special Interest Groups are subject to the following obligations:
A. Be subject to the rules and conditions set down by the Chapters Board of Directors.
B. Make at least an annual written report to the Chapter.

Section 4: Districts and Special Interest Groups are subject to the following limitations:
A. Shall not establish dues
B. Shall not levy special assessments that carry punitive action or loss of good standing
C. A district or special interest group shall not profess or imply that it speaks for or represents the Chapter or members unless authorized to do so in writing by the Chapters Board of Directors.


Section 1. Annual Meeting
The Chapter shall hold an annual fall meeting of the Chapter membership for the conduct of business, with attendance limited to Chapter members and invited guest approved by the Chapter officers, provided that thirty (30) days notice is given to all members. A quorum shall consist of eleven (11) members including at least two officers.

Section 2. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or any eighteen (18) members, provided that thirty (30) days notice is given to all members. Attendance is limited to Chapter members and invited guests approved by the Chapter officers. A quorum shall consist of eleven (11) members, including at least two officers.

Section 3. Mail Voting
Voting may be conducted by mail. A response of 50% of the membership is considered a valid vote.

Section 4.
All meeting minutes shall be submitted to the Association within 45 days of the date of the meeting.


Section 1. Composition
A. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the BOD, shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Delegate, Chairperson of Nominating Committee, District Chairpersons and Standing Committee Chairpersons.
B. Executive Committee
The elected officers of the Chapter shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Delegate. They shall serve as the Chapter executive committee.

Section 2. Qualifications
Only such members of the chapter as are provided for in the Association bylaws, Article IV, Section 3, Subparagraph B.(3). b. who have been members in good standing for a period of at least two years immediately proceeding their election, and who have consented to serve, shall be eligible for election to office.

Section 3. Terms and Vacancies
A. Members of the Board of Directors shall assume office at the close of the annual meeting.
B. The term of office of each Board of Director member shall be two years or until their successors are elected.
C. No Board member shall serve more than three complete consecutive terms in the same office.
D. In the event that a position on the Board of Directors becomes vacant due to the person being unable or unwilling to continue, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors.
E. In the event the president is unable to complete the term of office, the vacancy shall be filled by the Vice-President. This person will then complete the current term of the president.
F. The vacant Vice-President position may be filled by a special election or remain vacant until the next regular meeting of the membership, as the Board of Directors determine.
G. If a vacancy on the BOD occurs due to a person vacating to run for another office, the position will be filled by election by the membership present at that meeting.

Section 4. Officers:
A. The President shall serve as official head and public spokesperson of the Chapter, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
B. The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President at the request of the President or in the absence or incapacitation of the president.
C. The Secretary shall oversee the election process and be responsible for keeping the minutes of all Board of Director and Chapter meetings. The Secretary shall notify Chapter members of the date, time and place of Chapter meetings. The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the Chapter’s archives and correspondence and making Chapter minutes and Bylaws available to the membership.
D. The Treasurer shall be responsible for reporting, in writing, on the financial status of the Chapter to the membership and to the Board of Directors on request. The Treasure shall serve as a member of the Finance Committee.

Section 5. Duties of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall, in addition to the duties otherwise imposed by these Bylaws and Chapter policies:
A. Carry out the mandates and policies of the Chapter as determined by the membership. The Board of Directors may make and enforce such policy on behalf of the Chapter as is not inconsistent with the mandates and policies determined by the membership.
B. Direct all business and financial affairs for and on behalf of the Chapter.
C. Foster the growth and development of the Chapter.
D. Direct and determine the priority of all activities and expenditures in fulfillment of the Chapters Purpose and Objectives.
E. Fill vacancies on the Board of Directors and appointed groups.
F. Be responsible for creation, appointment, purposes, and activities of such appointed groups as it deems necessary.
G. Approve the program, time, and place of the annual meeting of the Chapter.
H. Provide for the development and maintenance of a Board of Directors Governance Manual.
I. Review and revise Chapter policies for consistency of intent and language with such new policies as may be adopted.

Section 6. Conduct of Business
A. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall meet no less than once a year. The President may call a special meeting of the Board of Directors and shall call a special meeting on the written request of two Board members. Written notice of all meeting shall be mailed to all members of the Board of Directors not later than ten (10) days before the date fixed for the meeting. Three members shall constitute a quorum. When a decision is needed between meetings of the Board of Directors, voting may be conducted by mail, fax or conference call.
B. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall meet not less than twice a year and shall exercise the power of the Board of Directors between its meetings. Three members shall constitute a quorum. The President may call a special meeting of the Executive Committee and must call a special meeting on request of three members of the Committee. Notice of all meetings shall be given to all members of the Executive Committee not later than five days before the date fixed for the meeting.


Besides such other standing committees as may be created by the Board of Directors, or otherwise ordered by these bylaws, the Board of Directors shall appoint the following, with exception of election of the nominating committee as follows:

Section 1. Finance Committee
A. The Chairperson is appointed by the Board of Directors.
B. The Treasurer is a member of this committee but cannot serve as Chairperson.
C. There should be at least three members of this committee serving for terms of three years and for no more than two consecutive terms.
D. Vacancies may be filled by the Board of Directors.
E. Duties of the Finance Committee include: to advise the BOD on matters pertaining to financial needs, growth and stability, presentation of an annual budget to the BOD, investment policies, and compliance with financial obligation to APTA.

Section 2. Nominating Committee
A. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) members, one member to be elected at each annual meeting for a term of three (3) years, the most senior being Chairperson.
B. Members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
C. Vacancies can be filled by the Board of Directors.
D. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a ticket of one or more candidates for each Chapter office as specified in the Chapter Bylaws.
E. Prepare and distribute the list of nominees to the voting membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meetings requiring election of officers.



Section 1. Qualifications
A. The Chief Delegate to the Association’s House of Delegates shall be a Physical Therapist who has been an Association and Chapter member in any category of membership in good standing for no fewer than two consecutive years immediately preceding the start of the House session.
B. Other Delegate(s) to the Association House of Delegates to which the Chapter is entitled shall be a Physical Therapist(s) who has been an Association and Chapter member in any category of membership in good standing for no fewer than two consecutive years immediately preceding the start of the House session.

Section 2. Method of Election
A. The Chief Delegate is elected by the membership at the annual meeting for a term of two years and may not serve more than three consecutive terms in this office.
B. The Vice-President shall be appointed to serve as Delegate to the Association House of Delegates for a term consistent with the term of Vice-President and may not serve more than three consecutive terms in this office.
C. The additional number of delegates to which the Chapter is entitled shall be elected at the annual meeting each year for one year terms and may not serve more than two consecutive terms in this office.

Section 3. Vacancy
Should the elected delegate(s) be unable to attend the House of Delegates the Board of Directors shall appoint an alternate delegate(s).

Section 4. Duties
The Chief Delegate shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors and is responsible for the Chapter’s voting delegation at the annual session of the House of Delegates. All delegates should attend the annual and special meetings of the House of Delegates of the Association, represent the Chapter on such matters as are ordered by the Board of Directors or the Chapter, and vote by voice or ballot in accordance with the instruction from the Chapter.

Section 5. Notification to Association
The Chapter shall notify Association Headquarters of the name of the Chapter Delegate, as required by the Association and the Standing Rules of the House of Delegates.


Section 1. Qualifications
A. Only Physical Therapist Assistant, Life Physical Therapist Assistant or Retired Physical Therapist Assistant members who have been Association members for at least two years immediately preceding election may serve as Chapter representatives.
B. The Chapter shall notify Association headquarters of the name of the Representative.

Section 2. Election and Term
A. The Representative to which the Chapter is entitled shall be elected for a two year term by the Chapter’s members at the Annual Meeting in the year prior to the Annual Session of the PTA Caucus. To present to the PTA Caucus such matters as are ordered by the Board of Directors and/or voting body.
B. Unelected candidates shall be ranked in order of votes received and will serve as Alternate Representatives.
C. If the Representative position becomes vacant prior to the convening of the PTA Caucus, the top-ranked Alternate Representative will fill the Representative position.
D. If the Alternate Representative list is depleted, the unfilled position will be filled as necessary by appointment of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities of the PTA Caucus Representative
A. To attend the annual and special meetings of the PTA Caucus.
B. To present to the PTA Caucus such matters as are ordered by the Board of Directors and/or voting body.
C. To vote at meetings of the PTA Caucus.
D. Serve on the IPTA Board of Director


Section 1. Elected Officers
The President and Secretary are elected on even numbered years. The Vice- President, Chief Delegate and Treasurer are elected on odd numbered years. One Nominating Committee member is elected annually

Section 2. Election Rules
A. A plurality vote of voting members shall be decisive in all elections.
B. Election shall be by ballot, unless there is but one nominee for each office when a voice vote may be called.
C. Tellers should be appointed by the Presiding Officer when members vote for two or more candidates for an office.
D. The number of candidates needed to fill the positions who receive the plurality vote shall be declared elected.
E. In the event of a tie, re-balloting shall be held to determine the election.
F. Elected officers shall assume office after the close of the meeting at which elected.


Section 1. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Chapter shall be the same as that of the American Physical Therapy Association.

Section 2. Limitations on Expenditures
No officer, employee or committee shall expend any money not provided for in the budget as adopted, or spend money in excess of the budget allotment, except by the order of the Chapters Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall not commit the Chapter to any financial obligation in excess of its current financial resources.

Section 3. Dues
A. Chapter dues shall be:
A Physical Therapist $95.00
A Physical Therapist – Post Professional Student $20.00
A Life Physical Therapist $00.00
Retired Physical Therapist $00.00
Student Physical Therapist $20.00
Life Physical Therapist Assistant $00.00
A Physical Therapist Assistant $70.00
A Retired Physical Therapist Assistant: $00.00
A Student Physical Therapist Assistant $20.00
A Corresponding: $10.00
B. Student Physical Therapist and student Physical Therapist Assistant member dues are for 12 months from the time of renewal or join date. As of the last day of the graduation month, the student Physical Therapist or student Physical Therapist Assistant member automatically converts to the Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant member category for the remainder of the 12 months of membership. Once the membership remainder expires, these new Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant members are eligible for one year of membership at 50% of the Association and chapter dues rate for a Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant member.
C. All dues shall be for the period specified in the Association Bylaws.
D. The IPTA Board of Directors has the discretion to offer reduced rates for Association dues as an incentive to promote membership.

Section 4. Reporting
The Chapter shall submit its annual financial statements, tax returns, and audit report to the Association when and as directed by APTA Headquarters.


The Chapter may dissolve subject to the conditions set forth by Idaho Corporation Law.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order adopted by the chapter.


Section 1. Amendments
A. These Bylaws may be amended in whole or in part by a two-thirds(2/3) vote, a quorum being present, at any meeting of the Chapter provided that at least 30 days prior to that meeting a copy of the proposed amendment has been sent out by mail to members of the Chapter.
B. Revised or amended Bylaws shall be consistent with the Articles of Incorporation of the Chapter.

Section 2. Amendments for Compliance
If the intent of an amendment is editorial or to bring the Chapter’s bylaws into agreement with those of the Association, the amendment shall be made as required by the Bylaws Chairperson and shared with the Chapter Board of Directors. The Idaho Physical Therapy Association Chapter Bylaws Chairperson shall notify the Chapter’s membership that such amendments have been made.

Section 3. Effective Date
Amendments to the Chapter bylaws become effective upon approval in writing by the Association’s Board of Directors. (Exception: changes in Chapter dues become effective on the first of the Association’s next fiscal year following approval.)


In addition to these bylaws, the Chapter is governed by the Association Bylaws and Standing Rules, and by Association policies.